
Monday, March 2, 2015

TweetDeck at CMS

Organizing Your Tweeter Feed with TweetDeck

Is it a challenge to keep up with everything or everyone you want to follow on Twitter?  Then check out TweetDeck at On TweetDeck, you can create multiple columns for each of the type of news/tweets you want to keep up with.  To stay current with things happening in our classrooms, consider adding columns for the following:

#CMSColts This hashtag is used to share what is going on in our classrooms and campus.  To create a column for #CMSColts follow these steps:

CMS Tweets This column would be a list column for all the teachers tweeting at CMS.  You can find this list of Twitter handles at To add a column of CMS Tweeters, follow the instructions below.

  1. Screenshot 2015-03-02 23.19.38.png
3. Select “+Create list”
5.  Screenshot 2015-03-02 22.50.41.pngEnter Twitter handle to add to list.
Screenshot 2015-03-02 22.51.01.png
6.  Cick “+” to add to your list